I thought they will use the Garlic while preparing the bread dough itself for the aroma. But none of them showed about making the bread.
I changed it based on the ingredients I had and made it with Dinner rolls from Nilgris. It came out well and was crispy and yummy.
Dinner rolls - a pack has 5 long buns
Salted butter - 100 gms(I bought Amul salted butter)
Garlic pods from one full garlic
Pasta seasoning(has a mix of oregano, thyme, rosemary from Keya available in Nilgris)
Cheese gratings
Chop/Crush the peeled Garlic pods into fine pieces. Beat the garlic pieces with the butter and sprinkle the Pasta seasoning over it as required.
Spread the butter on the dinner rolls and grate cheese on top of it(can skip if you are watching your waist line). Again sprinkle the seasoning over cheese if you want.
Preheat the oven and keep the rolls for 15 mins at 180 deg celcius.
Crispy Garlic bread is ready.
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